
Ingredients 120ml Mala Peruviana Fire 40ml Gin    15ml Lemon juice  1 bar spoon Horseradish  4 dash Worcestershire sauce  Pinch Celery salt  Pinch Black Pepper  Garnish: Rim with celery salt, celery stalk, lemon wedge, olives, pickled vegetables RED SNAPPER Preparation Add all the ingredients in a big pot.  Stir without ice, then serve it over […]

Ingredients 180ml Mala Peruviana Red – Fire – Earth 85ml Gin 30ml Freshly squeezes lemon juice 6 dashes Tabasco Sause 3 dashes worcestershire sauce 2 pinches celery salt 2 pinches freshly ground black pepper Garnish: celery stalk, lime, cherry tomato RED SNAPPER Preparation Shake all ingredients over ice and strain into ice-filled glass. Garnish with celery stalk, […]

Ingredients 180ml Mala Peruviana Red – Fire – Earth 85ml Gin 30ml Freshly squeezes lemon juice 6 dashes Tabasco Sause 3 dashes worcestershire sauce 2 pinches celery salt 2 pinches freshly ground black pepper Red Snapper Preparation Shake all ingredients over ice and strain into ice-filled glass. Garnish with a slice of cucumber and lemon flower. You can […]
